Connecting Communities with Coastal Blue Heritage through Art Making and Movement
Stronger Shores have helped to fund an incredible art and dance initiative that aims to connect communities with Coastal Blue Heritage in the North East. Blue Wave Green Leas is a project that has been delivered by Moving Art Management and SeaScapes CoLab (University of Sunderland) with funding from Stronger Shores, National Trust, SeaScapes Community Grants and No More Nowt.
This project aimed to explore environmental and embodied forms of creative practice including movement and visual art over a targeted series of Creator Labs, Site Visits to two National Trust properties, and workshop sessions with community participants. Participants engaged in unique and innovative forms of art, as a way of connecting with the sea.

The Blue Wave Green Leas Project showcased its incredible creative outputs through a final exhibition at Souter Lighthouse and the Leas. Join us in looking at some of the incredible images captured by Colin Davison of dancing, mindful movement and visual art that help embody community connections to our natural heritage.

Stronger Shores are honoured to have been taken along on this journey with so many wonderful individuals and organisations. We have no doubts that the work to ensure our natural environment is celebrated and recognised by our communities will continue. Our thanks go to everyone who made this project possible.