Power of digital marketing helps children understand coastal erosion
TechnologyA collaboration with Northumbria University
Climate-conscious business students are helping the Stronger Shores project to educate the next generation about the importance of preserving our beautiful coastline.
Students from Northumbria University’s Business Clinic, and the Film & TV Production department were asked to create a digital marketing strategy to help the Council educate school-aged children about Stronger Shores – a project that uses the power of nature to restore our ocean’s health and create sustainable coastal communities in the face of flooding, erosion and the impact of climate change.
The students worked with the Stronger Shores team at South Tyneside Council to explore how hidden habitats below the waves – seagrass meadows, kelp forests and oyster reefs – can help to improve water quality, reduce erosion, stabilise shorelines, reduce wave impacts, create rich wildlife, protect against pollution, improve fisheries, protect against climate change, and extend the lifespan of man-made coastal defences.
The students conducted primary research in the form of a survey to ask local teachers and parents about how they feel their students / children would benefit from using digital media in schools to learn about the project. They then devised ways of helping school-aged children to gain a deeper understanding of these pressing issues through the medium of a fun and engaging video which you can view below.
The students worked together to produce a fantastic short video which explains the Stronger Shores project to viewers in a fun and engaging way. The Stronger Shores team are excited to use this video as part of their engagement, not only in schools but at community events, in order to help viewers to understand the project.
A big thank you to the students from Northumbria University- Katy Gilbert, Alie Bendoy, Stephanie Boast, Lucy Coates, Naomi Savage, Charlotte Stead, Hannah Miller, Rebecca Tatters and Siobhan Coughlan.